Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I think it's gonna rain......

After a week of serious storms for us in Origanna Woods, I am anxiously looking forward to the sunshine that our local           weather-persons are promising.
We do love the sound of the rain, as it is  gently landing on our metal roof and also enjoy the comforting, cozy evenings around the fires. Unfortunately,  as we entered  what felt like the 5th consecutive day of  rain and thunder-boomers , I felt our sanity may be coming  into question. 
Not to mention the lighting strikes, that I was certain were lighting up the dark less than 5 feet away.
It was indeed a wet, soggy, Easter Weekend.
We decided to spend our Easter quietly, and enjoyed a delicious pork roast with veggies. For dessert, we ate the cake that  our friends, Charlotte and Lois had made.  I hope to return the favor by doing a little bit of work on these nice ladies houses. I can't wait for Brandon to be here in the woods with Mark and I. He will be able to help do some work with me and make life a little easier for both of them. One has a pigeon problem that we need to tackle. I hope he's not as scared of pigeons as he is of snakes!
The rest of our Easter was spent lounging around the old boob tube.
Nothing exciting by most people's standards but it was a very enjoyable day.
Plans for the  week include a bit of work at Gracie's Market and also a bit of work at ABUNDANT ACRES. 
I will try to find a little  more time  to accomplish the mountain of projects around this house as well, just as soon as we dry out!
It's less than a week now before the roofing material is delivered and we can complete the kitchen roof. I am totally stoked about this project and wish it were already finished!
Once the outer roof is complete we will be able to make the kitchen  exactly the way we want it. No more shifting things around all the time. Nothing is  worse than an unorganized kitchen! Nothing.

 Miracle of Miracles, the sun is starting to shine for us.  Let the drying begin.

Til next time...

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